• 安特卫普立足港口 放眼全球供应链

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    [搜船网 搜船资讯]  核心提示:安特卫普立足港口 放眼全球供应链Basing on the Port, Antwerp Takes a Broad View of the Global Supply Chain航运界网专访安特卫普副市长、港务局董事长Marc Van PeelExclusive interview with Mar...

    安特卫普立足港口 放眼全球供应链

    Basing on the Port, Antwerp Takes a Broad View of the Global Supply Chain


    航运界网专访安特卫普副市长、港务局董事长Marc Van Peel

    Exclusive interview with Marc Van Peel, Vice Mayor of Antwerp and Chairman of Antwerp Port Authority, by Journalist Gao Shang from www.ship.sh




    2011年,安特卫普港货物吞吐量达到1.87亿吨,同比增长5%。其中,集装箱货物吞吐量达1.05亿吨,约合866万标箱,创历史新高。散货吞吐量同比增长7.7%。其中,液体散货4601万吨,同比增长12.2%,也创下了历史新高。Cargo handling capacity of Port of Antwerp in 2011 reached 187,000,000 tons, with a year-on-year growth of 5%. Thereinto, container cargo throughput reached 105,000,000 tons, about 8,660,000 TEU, reaching an all-time height. Bulk cargo witnessed a year-on-year growth of 7.7%. Thereinto, liquid bulk was 46,010,000 tons, with a year-on-year growth of 12.2%, which was another all-time height.


    6月7日,航运界网在亚洲物流双年展上采访了安特卫普副市长、港务局董事长Marc Van Peel先生,Marc Van Peel先生从港务局的管理经验、服务理念等多方面进行了回答。Marc Van Peel was interviewed by www.ship.sh at Transport & Logistics China 2012 on 7th June. He answered a wide range of questions from management experience of the Port Authority to service concepts.


    Marc Van Peel表示,在2008年全球金融危机后,安特卫普港深深地意识到全球供应链的重要性,而港口只是其中一点,作为港务管理局,最应该作的就是采取措施服务好这一点,那么就要在海关、检疫、物流方面加大力度,与这些影响供应链效率的部门积极合作。 After the Global Financial Crisis 2008, according to Marc Van Peel, Port of Antwerp deeply realized the importance of global supply chain and that port is only a ring of the chain. ‘As a port authority’, Marc Van Peel said, ‘the thing that we should do the most is to take measures to serve the ring well. Herby, we should strengthen the efforts on customs, inspection and logistics and should actively cooperate with these units that affect the efficiency of supply chain.’


    多方面提升港口竞争优势To Improve Competitiveness of the Port in Many Ways


    作为欧洲第二大港口,安特卫普港在物流网络建设方面遥遥领先于其他欧洲港口,包括管道在内的基础设施建设,安特卫普港更注重内河与铁路运输方面的发展。Marc Van Peel先生向航运界网记者透露,就在去年安特卫普耗资3亿多欧元在斯海尔德河西岸开工建设第二座水闸,这座新闸比 Berendrecht 水闸更深,并建成投入使用成为全球第一大水闸。在航道疏浚方面,一年半前已经完成,并且马士基航运的大型船舶停靠也已不成问题。As the second largest port in Europe, Port of Antwerp sharply outshines other European ports in the construction of logistics network. In addition to infrastructure construction of pipelines, the Port pays more attention to the development of inland rivers and railway transportation. Marc Van Peel revealed to the journalist from www.ship.sh that Antwerp and Flanders spent over 300,000,000 euro building a second lock at the west bank of the river Scheldt. This lock is deeper than lock Berendrecht and has come into service as the biggest lock in the globe. Waterway dredging was finished one and a half years ago. There is no problem for the calling of large vessels of MAERSK.


    Marc Van Peel先生提到中国港口时,建议中国港口不要仅仅重视吞吐量,而要大力发展增值服务。在安特卫普港10公里的港口工业物流园区内处理杂货业务的运输企业有250多家,同时还有大量的货运服务相关企业,包括船务代理、保险经纪、装卸公司等,为客户提供了极大的选择空间,同时激烈的竞争又一定程度上降低了成本。这一切将使这个欧洲第二大港更具有竞争性。Speaking of ports in China, Mr. Van Peel suggested that China ports should strive to develop value-added services instead of attaching importance only to cargo throughput. There are 250 transportation enterprises handling bulk in the Industrial Logistics Park which ranges 10 km at the Port. There are also abundant freight related enterprises, including shipping agencies, insurance agencies, and stevedoring companies, which provides a huge choice space for clients. The fierce competition, meantime, makes the cost reduced. All this enables the second largest port in Europe to be more competitive.



    重视环保不遗余力To Do the Utmost to Protect the Environment


    安特卫普港重视环保不仅体现在口号上,还体现在实际的操作当中。Marc Van Peel先生介绍说,安特卫普港率先推出了航运环保系数,并且在港使费上给于船舶优惠。安特卫普港还重视岸电发展,减少相关污染。此外,安特卫普港还大力推广使用太阳能电池板。在港口的仓库楼顶安装太阳能设备,同时在港区腹地加强绿化建设。安特卫普港区的多家航运企业还通过整合其集体交通服务,为员工提供更多的出行路线,方便员工选择使用更为环保的出行方式。Not only does the Port utter the catchwords to protect the environment, but it also put it into practice. According to Mr. Marc Van Peel, the Port was amongst the first to bring out shipping environmental protection coefficient. It gives privilege to ships for using the Port. In addition, the Port values the development of shore power, reducing relevant pollution. Besides, the Port vigorously promotes the use of solar-cell panel. They installed solar energy equipment on the roofs of the warehouses and strengthen the afforesting work in the hinterland of the port area. Through integration of the collective transport services, many shipping enterprises also provide more travel routes for the staff so that the staff can choose travel ways that are more environment-friendly.



    与中国港口保持良好关系To Keep in a Good Relationship with Ports in China


    安特卫普港每年与中国的吞吐量达近1000万吨。在2011年安特卫普与中国的海运吞吐量创造了历史记录,增长了42%。这一增长主要来自金属产品,石油产品和集装箱货物。在汉堡-勒阿佛尔区间,安特卫普港与中国的集装箱吞吐量在2011年增长最快,达27%。上海和宁波分别是世界第一大和第四大集装箱港,在2011年分别增长9.3%和11.3%,它们在安特卫普与中国的海运量增长量里占很大的比重。这两个港口与安特卫普的货运量主要是集装箱。The port of Antwerp has an annual throughput of nearly 10,000,000 tons with China. The shipping throughput between Antwerp and China reached a new record in 2011, increasing by 42%. The increase was mainly from metal products, oil products and containerized cargo. In the wide range from Hamburg to Le Havre, the container throughput between Antwerp and China grew the fastest in 2011, increasing by 27%. Shanghai and Ningbo, which are the first and fourth largest container ports in the world respectively, increased by 9.3% and 11.3% respectively in 2011, taking a great proportion in the shipping increment between Antwerp and China. Containers were the main cargo transported between Antwerp and the two ports.


    近几年,安特卫普港与上海、大连、天津和重庆等港口都建立了友好港关系,并且双方在合作上互通有无。Marc Van Peel举例说,在安特卫普港务局下面有个培训中心,叫APEC-安特卫普/法兰德斯港口培训中心,专门提供各种和港口有关的培训课程。APEC培训中心可为海外多个港口和海运界人士传授其对港口的培训和专家诀窍。自1977年以来,有超过11000名人员接收过培训,来自于140多个国家,其中有3000名来自中国。In recent years, Antwerp has established a friendly relationship with Shanghai, Dalian, Tianjin and Chongqing. They cooperate and supply each other’s needs. Mr. Marc Van Peel gave an example for this. There is a training centre, named APEC (Antwerp Port Education Centre), supervised by Antwerp Port Authority. The Centre specializes in providing various training courses related to ports. APEC provides port training and experts’ know-how to port and shipping professionals. Since 1977, the Centre has received over 11,000 trainees from more than 140 countries, 3,000 of whom were from China.










