• 英诺华(中国)携手VDL AEC Maritime拓展中国市场

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    [搜船网 搜船资讯]  核心提示:英诺华(中国)有限公司近日和VDL AEC Maritime达成合作协议,从而加强后者在中国市场的地位。

    英诺华(中国)携手VDL AEC Maritime拓展中国市场

    英诺华(中国)有限公司近日和VDL AEC Maritime达成合作协议,从而加强后者在中国市场的地位。

    VDL AEC Maritime作为一家知名的专业船用洗涤塔生产商,通过任命英诺华(中国)有限公司作为VDL AEC Maritime在中国的代理商,保障并加强了公司与船厂、船东和船舶管理公司等客户在当地的交流,以便快速响应客户的需求和询问,提供更好的客户服务体验。

    VDL AEC Maritime的洗涤系统以其简单设计,经济高效及杰出质量而著称,被广泛安装应用在各类型船舶上,截止目前为止,已有120多船套废气清洗系统成功安装在世界范围内知名船东公司的船队上。

    此外,VDL AEC Maritime可针对全球客户的服务需求提供量身定制的解决方案,全天候7/24满足并解决客户的服务需求,保障船舶的安全合规运行。

    英诺华(中国)有限公司总经理Nick Wang说:“合作凝聚力量,我们将通过合作来加强巩固与VDL集团的联系。

    能和VDL Groep一起工作是我的荣幸,VDL是荷兰一个特大型的、有雄厚技术实力为基础的国际化集团公司,将生产工艺、企业家精神、产品质量完美地结合到了一起,具有强大的市场创新和发展能力。


    VDL AEC Maritime的销售总监Joost Wijdeveld说:“VDL AEC Maritime也正期待着这次合作,在12月3日至6日于上海举办的国际海事展(Marintec 2019)上,我们有了一个良好的开端,中国是一个重要且快速增长的海运市场,通过英诺华中国公司较强的客户资源,丰富的专业知识及行业经验,我们相信能够为我们中国的客户提供更好的服务。



    公司总经理Nick Wang先生及其团队在船舶和海工领域积累了大量丰富的行业经验,未来发展目标是成为中国海洋工程领域最可靠、最专业、最高效,同时具备较强设计和服务能力的综合性设备供应商,努力为中国各地的船厂,船东提供高质量、高性价比及具有核心竞争力的增值服务。

    VDL AEC Maritime

    VDL AEC Maritime是荷兰一家专注于废气洗涤领域的知名公司,公司针对减少陆地和船用气体排放有深入且广泛的技术研究和实践应用经验。


    VDL AEC Maritime始终专注于高质量创新产品和系统的设计、开发、销售、工厂制造和调试。


    VDL AEC Maritime是VDL 集团的一部分,是一家国际化工业公司,总部设在荷兰的埃因霍温。


    Innova (China) Co Ltd - new agent of VDL AEC Maritime in China

    VDL AEC Maritime as scrubber supplier has strengthened its position on the Chinese market by entering a partnership agreement with Innova (China) Co Ltd .

    With the nomination of Innova (China) Co Ltd  as the agent of VDL AEC Maritime in China, it is ensured that customers like shipyards, shipowners and shipmanagement companies have a local contact to get in touch with VDL AEC Maritime. References of more than 100 Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) on board various types of vessels is proving the simplicity and quality of VDL AEC Maritime’s scrubber system. In addition VDL AEC Maritime can offer their clients global tailored solutions for each service request with 24/7 coverage.

    “Strength through cooperation. That is the cornerstone of VDL Groep where I can connect myself.” says Nick Wang, General Manager of Innova (China) Co Ltd . “It’s a great honour to work with VDL Groep. A large and solid international company that innovates and develops through a combination of craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and high-quality machinery. The group of VDL companies combined provides the clout of a multinational with the flat organization and open, informal working atmosphere of a family business, where priority is given to growth opportunities, long-term ambitions and continuity.”

    “VDL AEC Maritime is also looking forward to this cooperation. We had a great start together during the international maritime exhibition Marintec 2019 in Shanghai from 3rd till 6th December. China is an important and fast growing maritime market and with the strong network, comprehensive expertise and knowledge of Mr. Wang we are able to serve our Chinese customers better.” says Joost Wijdeveld, Sales Director of VDL AEC Maritime.

    Innova (China) Co Ltd

    Mr. Nick Wang, General Manager of Innova (China) Co Ltd , has built extensive knowledge within the maritime sector in China. Innova (China) Co Ltd, which is based in Shanghai, is focusing on the offshore market systems, equipment trading, commissioning and after sales service. They aim for being the most reliable and professional partner for the offshore market in China and strive to deliver a highly qualified, fast responding and cost-effective service to the customers all over China.

    VDL AEC Maritime

    VDL AEC Maritime is a scrubbing specialist whose experience includes extensive research on reducing emissions and odors. In the last 20 years, the company created and implemented over 2,300 land based scrubbers and since 2013 supplied Sox scrubbers to the maritime industry. VDL AEC Maritime is focused on the design, development, sales and in-house manufacturing and commissioning of high quality innovative products and systems.

    VDL Groep

    VDL AEC Maritime is part of VDL Groep, an international industrial company. The headquarter is based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Since the founding in 1953 this family-owned company has grown to 104 operating companies, spread over 20 countries with almost 17,000 employees and an annual turnover of 5.973 billion euros in 2018. The strength of VDL Groep lies in the cooperation between the companies.







    • 售1650方开底泥驳
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    • 出售编号607 07年777吨一般干货船
      07年777吨一般干货船,长56.2米宽6.4米深3.6米,8170-816马力,ZC有意联系林先生:18226771999 VX:1935306 刘女士:13358262809

